Before I had my kids – I never really thought about what was a “practical” gift for a mom-to-be at a baby shower. I can remember going to the store and buying cute little outfits in the 0-3 month range with lots of pieces and that required dry cleaning! Wow! Has life changed. Now that I have two children of my own, when I buy for a mom to be – I always try to consider the following: Is the item practical meaning will it get used more than once or will it just be put into a drawer, never to be seen again; does it perform an action – meaning if it’s a bib is it something that is easy to clean up and re-use; does it help the Mum or Dad in everyday actions – for example a bottle rack. If it fits those categories and it’s on the baby registry into my cart it goes.
I can remember feeling so overwhelmed the first time I tried to online shop for baby gear. There was an overwhelming amount of gear that was a “must have” in order to bring my newborn home, when in reality all I really need was a safe place for the baby to sleep, diapers, a car seat, bottles, a few burp cloths (for the inevitable spit up), and a car seat. Those items will get you through the first rocky weeks as a new parent. Then as your babies get bigger (and sadly they get bigger too fast!) you will need bigger bibs to contain the mess! Other items include mesh feeders for trying their first solids safely, teethers, video baby monitors, hooded towels and more. The adorable tub above is by Munchkin and is part of the kids.woot!event too! The tub is perfect for your kids, because if the bathwater is too hot, it says “hot” and provides an easy surface that is slip resistant because if your kids are anything like mine they like to try to climb out when they are being bathed!
Enter kids.woot!, they have been a huge lifesaver as I try to navigate the world with my two kids. They are a subsidiary of Amazon which has daily deals on a variety of things including – baby gear such as bibs, plates, baby bath tubs, baby plates and more! I loved that the site has a link to Amazon which I have shopped on for years (and it even remembers my information from Amazon making it easy to login and order on the fly!) making it super convenient when I have just a few moments to grab the necessary essentials for my baby. I love getting the emails with a daily deal and then deciding if I want to buy or not, all from the convenience of my smartphone which allows me to check out the daily email, decide if I want to buy and with a quick click thanks for my saved information make a purchase and know it will be on my doorstep in a few days.
Grass Countertop Drying Rack
I also love buying products that will serve a purpose now – like the Boon Grass and Twig which I can use for drying out sippy cups and their various pieces, bottles and bottle parts and later as my kids get bigger I can use it for delicate items like china or crystal since it is soft and doesn’t take up too much space on my counter-top. Best of all – Woot is running a bunch of deals this week for Mums to be – meaning you or your family members can stock up on some great deals for the baby or upcoming baby shower. One of my other favorite parts of the page is where people “discuss the deal” – there are moms out there
kids.woot! is a daily discount site with deals that typically run 24 hours – midnight to midnight with SALES of 20% or more from standard market prices which means you get a better price on the site than from buying it from Amazon or even another retailer – but the goal is to act quick because the deals expire and when the deal is over or the merchandise is gone it’s gone forever – or at least until the next deal. That means if I see something – even if I don’t need it at the moment like a cute hooded towel, I may grab it just to have one for a birthday present or maybe even to put into my closet as my kids get bigger.
As a mom, you want to get yourself great products for your kids and help others save some money will doing so. I love that Woot is having an event which will help celebrate babies and help their parents get what they need for those first precious months, because let’s face it going out into the world with a screaming baby or children isn’t always the most fun thing to do. Having items delivered to your front door, at a good price means that both you and your wallet are happy and there is less stress going on in your everyday life.
Products featured this week will include brands like Munchkin (perfect for those first feedings and organizing your bottles); Bumpkin (perfect for those first solid feedings and clean ups as well as organizing all of your bottle gear) and Trend Lab (towels, teethers and more!)
I know I’ll be buying a few bibs this week via kids.woot!as my son has decided that the sleeves on his current bibs are not long enough and he’s decided to do some artwork decorating on his clothes. Bumpkin bibs are super easy to clean and when you throw them in the wash they always come out looking brand new no matter how big the mess was when you started! We have gotten a lot of different food items on them as well as paint, markers and more. They are truly a multipurpose baby product that keeps on going. There will be lots of great products on sale this week as part of the baby shower event so stock up while the deals are great!
Happy shopping at kids.woot!!